What to Expect in Personalised Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy seeks to improve health, addressing a problem with a Functional Medicine approach. This means that we look at a person as a whole, not just a diagnosis or collection of symptoms. We look at all elements of your lifestyle, the demands of your work, activity, travel and personal life, and how you currently meet those demands. We work together, as detectives, listening to all of the body’s feedback, reading the signals, and studying the results to determine what works best for you and what restores you back to optimal health.

Each of us is biochemically unique. Everyone’s nutritional needs differ. There is no one prescribed diet that works for everyone. So we need to work out what is going on inside each of us in order to determine what will work for that person.

First, we work out what is going on. Then we devise a plan works for you. We follow-up, giving you the support you need to ensure you achieve your goals. We help you develop the tools to be master of your own health going forward.

Discovery – Working out what is going on

During our initial consultation, we talk through your concerns and goals, while taking a comprehensive look at your medical history and family history. We look at all aspects of your life so that we can see you as a whole and within the context of you life’s demands.

In some cases, we utilise functional or DNA testing to get a more in-depth look of your personal biochemistry. This helps us uncover which physiological processes need support and to assess what works for your body and what doesn’t. These tests might include organic acids to look at neurotransmitter cycles, hormone pathways, microbiome status (gut health), liver and digestive enzymes, heavy metals, genetic profiles and food reactivity. We pay particular attention to inflammatory markers as well as nutrition panels. Private labs offer these tests, but some might be available through your doctor. We can also use testing to track you progress.

Testing is available to add on to your programme and is a cost-effective way to explore the primary contributory factors that are influencing your health issues. They also help us identify targeted solutions to address a problem efficiently.

Your Plan – the one designed for you that gives you the results you want

Together, we build a multi-factor lifestyle plan that addresses your body’s needs, restoring you back to optimal health and wellbeing. It’s important that your plan is simple and achievable.

The plan we design together will fit within your day-to-day demands and provide meal guidelines that nourish your body and offer plenty of options. Our aim is to inspire your meal choices rather than give you the feeling of restriction.
While we have a foods-first approach, some micronutrient and enzyme deficiencies can be best addressed with the help of supplements, which we utilize to bring the body back into balance and to restore optimum functionality. Plans often need tweaking once we determine what’s giving you the best results and is the simplest to maintain. And your plan will evolve as your health improves.


Some people are able to make a plan and run with it. Others do best with more guidance, a little cheering, reminders and regular accountability check-ins. Whatever you need, with additional consultations and regular catch-up calls, we work together to help you get there.


Once you’re feeling great again, we ensure you feel in control and empowered to maintain your body’s optimal health for the future.

Ongoing Conditions & Concerns

Some of our clients have particular conditions or concerns where an ongoing support program makes more sense for them. We see each other regularly to make tweaks to their program as their medications, medical support and lifestyles change. We build bespoke programs for these relationships to ensure their needs are met and they are supported throughout their health journey.

We hope you feel inspired by the transformations that Nutritional Therapy can bring to your health. Please get in touch for more information and to arrange your complimentary discovery call.